Steps to Becoming a Partner Agency
Step One: Review Partner Agency Membership Criteria and Requirements
The Prospective Partner Agency's services must be consistent with United Way of Denton County's mission to improve and transform lives in Denton County and demonstrate an ability to address critical community needs.
Applicant will be required to provide evidence that the following requirements are in place within the organization. All requirements must be in place and operative before an application will be considered.
- The applicant must provide human services which improve and transform lives in Denton County and align with the priorities of United Way of Denton County.
- The applicant is incorporated as a private, not-for-profit corporation under state statutes and regulations.
- The applicant has on file written determinations from the Internal Revenue Service and appropriate state authority certifying its 501(c) 3 exempt classification and exemption number.
- The applicant must have been in operation with a physical presence in Denton County for at least two (2) years at the time of application, and be open to serve their clients a minimum of twenty (20) hours a week.
- The applicant must have a written statement reflecting its mission and general goals in health and human services in Denton County.
- must conduct its business and maintain financial records in compliance with the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA) Audit and Accounting Guide for Not for Profit Organizations combined with FASB Statements are the models.
- The applicant must have filed its IRS Form 990 (previous two years), audits (past two years, with documentation of any identified problems and resolutions), IRS 941 2 (previous two years if applicable) and evidence of the applicant’s financial stability for the past two years.
- A quorum of the applicant’s local board should meet at least quarterly throughout the year, with written minutes of each meeting, including board attendance.
- Actions of the applicant’s board for the past two (2) years must be recorded in official minutes signed by authorized officials of the applicant.
- The applicant organization should have evidence of a written program with anticipated outcome measurements, and an evaluation process that measures outcomes and program effectiveness.
- The applicant’s governing board should have policies on composition and rotation of board membership. – list policies required
- The applicant should have defined procedures that it follows for the preparation, adoption, and implementation of an annual operating budget.
- The applicant should provide basic liability, property, and directors and officers insurance coverage.
- The applicant should identify its grievance procedures for receiving suggestions and/or complaints about its services.
Step Two: Submit a Letter of Inquiry
Letters of Inquiry may be submitted between July 1 and September 15 and include the following:
- Description of your organization
- Area/s of focus
- Desired level of funding
Address letter to:
Community Investment Chair | United Way of Denton County
1314 Teasley Lane, Denton, TX 76205
Email letter to:
Contact Leah at the email address above.
Once your organization has been pre-approved...